Undergraduate Thesis by Kidus Yohannes


Transistors are the foundation for electronics and have been continually modified in design throughout the years. Each new architecture provides advancements in performance and speed, pushing the capabilities of everyday technologies used by society. This paper explores such designs and analyzes their advantages, with the focus on fin shaped field-effect-transistors or FinFETs. A background into transistors and the first designs is provided for context and comparisons. Then specific advantages in performance, power consumption, and size are explored. The innovations brought by FinFETs are built upon previous techniques, and so through historical references prospects are determined for how these transistors will continue to scale and outperform their predecessors. Designs may either continue to be iteratively modified, or new techniques like quantum computing may form and take over the field. Either way, the field is continuously advancing to support growing technologies.

Prototype / First Draft - Updated 3/26/21


To Group HealthyBois and Group 1: What's wrong with your comment: Everything is accurate tbh What's correct with your comment: Useful for research, can act as a single source/reference Measuring transistor performance would be a challenge. Same with finding novel information and through papers for reference. IEEE would benefit greatly, or any academic conferences Yes my website and timetable is very low effort I really should specify further what I want to analyze. Right now it's more summative than actually research-based. Why you should change your mind: Yes To Group 3, vectorU, and Jacob Bills & Collin Pollard: What's wrong with your comment: You can't buy my paper. Wait I guess you can on IEEE? idk Also, I'm not dealing with transistors directly, maybe I should. That'd be more interesting. What's correct with your comment: Yes transistors are pretty cool. Definitely time-consuming with reading/research Yeah I really should make it more interesting and contribute something Why you should change your mind: Also yes To Group 6, 9, and 5: What's wrong with your comment: I feel like my abstract is pretty good at conveying the purpose of the paper. The purpose itself is what's crap. What's correct with your comment: Yeah I gotta find good papers to read and understand what I'm talking about Specify the research more, I agree. Why you should change your mind: yup

Proposed Methods

How are we going to deal with the problem

What resouces do we need to reach the goal

What are the potential risks involved? Any mitigation/contingency plans?

How long does each method take?

What is the job distribution plan for each team member?


